Sukiyaki is a popular Japanese Nabe(pot)-style dish.
You cook various meats and vegetable in a soy sauce based sweet broth.
Thin sliced beef is usually the main ingredient.
As you can see, in my plant-based version you won’t see any meats, but instead there are a lots of mushrooms (three kinds!) and two types of tofu (fried and extra firm).
You can basically use any vegetables, but the ones you see here are probably often expected in Sukiyaki pot: Napa cabbage, Shungiku, mushrooms, tofu, carrots, and yam noodles.
Luckily, I can get all these ingredients at the local Asian grocery store today.
One thing that is not authentic is the addition of an apple.
Since it’s in the season and I got beautiful fresh apples from a farmers market that morning, I decided to add some to the pot.
I also used a little bit of the apple cider I also got from the farmers market to the broth.
Not everyone, but many people enjoy Sukiyaki with a raw egg as a dipping sauce.
The Sukiyaki broth tends to be quite strong, and the egg balances it.
I did grow up with this tradition, but I never liked the egg white.
So this time I made my vegan “yolk” with carrots and it worked great!
It was rich, creamy, and the beautiful orange color was bright and appetizing.
It was so delicious!!
Let me share some pictures from my last weekend’s trip to the local farmers market.
What’s your favorite kind of squash?
Love this one!
So beautiful.