I don’t know what to name this.
But I put all the favorite things that happened to be home today.
It turned out great!
To tell the truth, so much better than I expected.
This is the roast we’ve been buying a lot lately.
It’s great to have.
I usually like whole-food, so I tend to go for beans and lentils, and tofu (okay, it’s processed but minimally).
But variety is also important.
And this one is so convenient, and I like to have a couple, one in the freezer and one in the fridge.
It’s pre-cooked and sold frozen.
You just need to thaw it in the fridge, and it’s delicious.
And the ingredients are not bad either.
Tomato sauce, Kabocha cream, vegan roast, mushrooms, kale, fried onions, black walnuts, vegan cheese.