Who likes crab cakes?
Well, I do… I did.

The Lion’s Mane mushroom interestingly mimics the look and texture of crab meat.
So, I decided to attempt to make my first Lion’s Mane crab cakes.

I like my crab cakes with little filler.
Have you ever ordered crab cakes at a restaurant, and when they arrived, you had to ask, “where is the crabmeat?” because there was too much filler?
Well, I didn’t want that in my crab cakes, so I added very little filler.

Maybe it was too little of filler…
They barely held their shape.

I made garlic, olive, lemon, herb pasta with crunchy Panko to serve the crab cakes with.
I love this kind of pasta.
Simple and delicious.
I could eat a large bowl of it.
Just that.

This turned out to be such a delicious meal!

The crab cake was tasty undressed, but I also liked it with my vegan lemon garlic mayo.

Because the filler was so little that most of the cakes became “deconstructed”.
They still tasted good though.