People have different ideas of what they want to do if they have more time.
For me, there are several different things, but the biggest one is being serious about what we eat.
I did cook most of the time when I was working full-time, but I definitely felt that there wasn’t enough time for everything I wanted to do in and beyond the kitchen, like researching about certain food, making plans for meals, deciding what to get and where to get, and organizing and improving the kitchen functionality.

Thankfully, now I do have time to do all of these things, and I do enjoy spending my time this way.
As part of the Happy Grocer’s surplus package, I received beautiful passion fruit.
We enjoyed some as is, and I used the rest to make jam when they were still fresh.

It turned out great, and you can really enjoy the wonderful flavor of the fruit.
I don’t like raspberry or blackberry’s seeds, but for some reason I like passion fruit seeds.
Does anyone feel the same way?

In order to enjoy the jam, I decided to bake biscuits.

I used this recipe https://www.food.com/recipe/southern-oil-biscuits-with-self-rising-flour-493512 .
(I didn’t have self-rising flour, so I just used the following formula: 1 cup all-purpose flour, 1.5 teaspoon baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon salt)

So I got jam and biscuits.
There was one more thing I needed.

I still cannot find vegan butter at stores whose ingredients I’m comfortable with, so I made some myself.

It looks like butter, tastes like butter, and melts like butter.
And I’m happy with the ingredients.
Just like the vegan mayo, it’s extra work, but it’s so worth it.

With everything ready, brunch was served.
