I made this sandwich shortly after Thanksgiving.
I was meaning to post it but apparently forgot until now.

It’s a simple sandwich, yet so delicious.
Sandwich bread.
Homemade vegan mayo (always better than the store-bought one; or I should say I haven’t found one I like).
Dijon mustard.
Vegan cheese slice (lately my favorite is the Whole Foods’ brand).
Vegan turkey from Aldi.

Nice color!

Doesn’t this look good?

So this year we tried several vegan turkey options.
Turkey breast from Aldi, Trader Joe’s turkey roast, and the Field Roast’s turkey roast.

Vegan turkey breast from Aldi (Photo from https://vegconomist.com/ )

Vegan turkey roast from Trader Joe’s. (Photo from https://www.clubtraderjoes.com/ )

Vegan turkey roast from Field Roast. ( https://fieldroast.com/product/celebration-roast/ )
We liked the Field’ Roast’s turkey roast much better than the Trader Joe’s.
(Last year Trader Joe’s had a different vegan turkey roast (small), and we LOVED it, so we were very disappointed that they did not have the same roast this year, and the one they had this year was not good.)
The vegan turkey breast from Aldi was also really tasty.
It doesn’t look as festive as the roast, so I would still choose the roast type, but this Aldi’s breast was so good, and we enjoyed it for non-Thanksgiving meals.
The one I used for this sandwich is this one.
I like vegan turkey, and I wish they sold it all year round not just for November.