This is my go-to crusty bread.
I use the Boule recipe from “Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day” I bought many years ago.
I have adjusted the recipe a little because I usually make two loaves instead of four, and now I don’t have to look at the book or my note anymore because I’ve made it so many times.

It’s such a versatile bread, and you can add any flavor you like.
It turns out great every single time.

This time I decided to add this cherry blossom tea.
I used my grinder and ground the tea before I added it to the dough.

The kitchen smelled amazing!

The tin box is so pretty!
I love Haney and Sons designs.

I smelled and tasted wonderful!
It’s a special type of bread because how often you can find “cherry blossom tea” bread at a bakery?