My husband wanted pot stickers for his birthday weekend, but he did not tell me soon enough, so I was not able to make it happen.
It seems easy to make pot stickers, but finding vegan wrappers is actually quite challenging.
I kept looking, and a month later I found the right wrappers, so it was time to make a late birthday dish for him.

I usually like garlic chives in my pot stickers, but this time I was not able to get it at the right time.
So instead I went for basil, and it worked well.

I used to make 100, but this time I decided to make only what we could eat.
They are the best when eaten right out of the pan.
I usually don’t mind leftover, but pot stickers are one of a few foods that are not fun to eat once refrigerated, unfortunately.

So happy with the result!
I even got beautiful lacy skirt.