This is my third time making melon bread.
My first melon bread was this, and the second one was this.
When I read what I had written about them, I realized that both times I said they were good but not the same as my mother’s.
Guess what?
This time I finally got my mother’s recipe, and I created a totally new vegan cookie top by incorporating my mother’s recipe.
This bread turned out AWESOME!
Creating the perfect vegan cookie top has been challenging, but I think this is it!
It has the right softness, moistness, and crunchiness, and it has the thickness that I prefer.
This time I added lemon zest to the cookie top, and put lemon curd inside the buns.
This is a must-try for any lemon-lovers, and it became my husband (who loves anything citrus)’s favorite instantly.
I wish I could share this with my mother.
I think she would approve!