When you see enchiladas featured in recorded cooking shows twice in a row, that pretty much becomes a message.
Enchiladas for dinner!
Then I realized that I’ve never ordered or made enchiladas, and it became a fun project for me.
I happened to have cooked jackfruit, and I thought it would be a perfect filling when combined with cooked garlic and onion.
I used Trder Joe’s cans of jackfruit for the first time, and I really liked it.
I think my shredded jackfruit turned out the best this time.
When I asked my husband if he wanted green or red sauce, he said “both” as I expected.
A good thing about home cooking is that you can do that!
No problem.
I used a can of store-brand (aka, cheapest) red enchilada sauce for the red, but I doctored it up by adding a few things, including spices and a little sugar.
For the green I used this green salsa; I chose this because I liked their straight-forward ingredients.
I poured it after cooking, and it really added freshness and brightened up the whole thing.
The drop of sour cream-like cream on the top was homemade, and this really added the tangy creaminess to the dish and complemented the dish very well.
Happy Saturday evening everyone!