I was in the mood for ramen, but I didn’t have ramen noodles at home.
I knew I could get them easily because the local grocery store I regularly go to does carry them.
But it was one of those days I didn’t feel like leaving the house.

I thought about making ramen noodles from scratch.
I did that before.
But I was too lazy to do so.
But sometimes “laziness” leads to a new discovery (lol).
When I googled hoping to find easy ways to make ramen noodles, I ran into some interesting information, which suggested cooking spaghetti in water with baking soda.
I was skeptical, but it sounded like a better idea than making noodles from scratch.
It turned out pretty good!
This cooking method created a similar smell/taste and also a similar chewy texture.
I used a tablespoon of baking soda for 1 litter of water, plus a little salt.
First, I boiled water, took the pot off the heat, then added baking soda and salt (it foams, so you should be careful if you try this), and then put it back on the heat, and added spaghetti.

I recently got a jar of Shio-Koji (salt with rice malt), and I’m loving using it as it adds umami to any dishes, including this ramen soup.

I got mine at Sala Bran Cafe.
Initially I was afraid that the jar was too small, but I only use a little each time, and I like the idea that I use it up when it’s still fresh.

For the toppings I had edamame, sauteed mushrooms, sauteed veggies (onion, cabbage, carrot), basil, and roasted seaweed.

So good.
My craving was definitely satisfied.