I liked the mango powder I purchased online so much that I wanted to create something to really highlight it.

Initially I wasn’t sure about combining coffee with mango, but here in Thailand there is a beverage called orange coffee, so I thought this might work too.

I added the mango powder to coconut milk.
Using mango powder instead of fresh mango has an advantage because it does not water down the milk.
The powder has such concentrated flavor, and just a little amount does a fantastic job.

I’ve never been a barista, and I hardly ever go to fancy coffee shops, so I had no idea which goes into a glass first, coffee or milk.

But it all seemed to work out just fine.
It turned out to be an outstanding latte!
I absolutely loved this flavor combination.

Since we moved to our new home in Bangkok, we’ve been purchasing a lot of things just to start a new life.
There is a large shopping center near our place, so we go there a lot, but we utilize online shops as well.
Online shopping is very easy, and thankfully many sellers accept returns.
When I had to return something (which was rather large) because the quality was not what I had expected, I was nervous because I wasn’t sure exactly how it would go.
But the process was quite smooth, and I now feel pretty good about online shopping here.

Still, I wasn’t expecting to find live plants, but I found a seller that sells organic herbs in a pot.

Thank goodness.
It arrived quickly, safe and sound.