When we decided to avoid dairy in our diet several years ago, one of my worries was not being able to enjoy butter.
Soon I realized there were some vegan butter recipes, and I tried several.
However, I quickly found the one I liked.
It is listed on my “recipes I repeatedly use” page, because I can’t count how many times I’ve made it.
It looks like butter, tastes like butter, and melts like butter.
Doesn’t that sound perfect or what?! 🙂

To tell the truth, though, I was taking a little break from making this butter.
At one point I got so overwhelmed because I was trying to make everything from scratch, and it just got too much.
We did find non-dairy butter we liked.
Country Crock Plant Butter was our go-to for a while.

But now I try to go back to homemade stuff a little more.
I am being realistic though, so I will not make the same mistake as I did before.
It’s okay to rely on store-bought product if we feel good about its ingredients.
But as long as I have time and enjoy the process, I want to make what goes in our body from scratch as much as possible.
Do any of you experience this dilemma?

I baked bread so that I could enjoy my homemade butter!
