Nabe, hot pot, is the ultimate winter comfort food in Japan.

You can add pretty much anything, from meat, fish, seafood, to vegetables.
But these you see here are some of my favorites.

It’s sold as “Tongo” at the local Asian grocery store, but we call it “shungiku”.

It’s one of my favorite things to add to Nabe.
It has a fresh mustard-like flavor, and I absolutely love it.

I’m not a chef, but I do enjoy making these 3-D carrot flowers.

I found them at the Asian grocery store too.
They were not only adorable but also delicious.

We’ve recently started adding fish back into our diet.
It probably consists of 5 % of what we eat.

We really enjoyed this meal.
It’s nice to sit at the dining table and share a meal like this, which Nabe requires you to do.

At the end, you add some kind of carbs, rice, noodles, which is almost obligatory.
The soup is delicious, and the rice (or noodles) soak it up.