I’ve been trying not to eat sweets.
The toughest part is not that I cannot eat sweets, but rather that I cannot “make” sweets (lol).
So this was kind of a compromise.
These are… okay, slightly sweet, but definitely savory.
When I don’t for a while, I definitely miss baking.
I can’t wait to get my corn from a farmers’ market yet, so this is from a grocery store.
But this was super sweet!
Wild Rice.
Our old pepper mill broke, and it took us a long time to get a new one.
I looked everywhere online and stores, and I had a very hard time finding something that looked good, unique, functional, and not too pricy.
I finally gave up and asked my husband to pick one.
This is what he found, and I’m happy with it.
It’s reasonable, certainly functional, and it looks fine.
Not unique, but that’s okay.
A lot of freshly ground black pepper.
I also added some dry cranberries.
These papercups are from Ikea.
I bought them a long time ago, and I never had a chance to use them.
They are tall and skinny, so I used the canelé pan instead of the regular muffin pan.
They fit very well.
These turned out so cute!
I liked the cup designs and the shape both.
I liked that they created the cute top, but next time I may put more batter to make the top even bigger.
This makes a great breakfast!