We had snow yesterday for the first time this season.
I wish I could say “I can’t believe it, it’s only November!” but sadly I can believe it because we are in Minnesota.
I have mixed feelings about Minnesota’s snow and winter.
They can be so beautiful, but they can also be depressing at the same time, especially toward the end of the season, when I feel like there is no end to it.
Bur right now, at the beginning of the winter season, I’m feeling pretty good.
The snow on the ground looks fresh and so pretty.
And on a day like this porridge is a good choice for breakfast.

I used rye flakes and rye berries both.

Rye from my brother-in-law’s farm.

The rye flakes make the porridge nice and thick, and the berries give an interesting texture.

Satsuma potatoes and apples were added.

And then cinnamon.

Served with walnuts and more cinnamon.

Warm and hearty.
You can add any sweetener if you like (my husband drizzled maple syrup) but I really enjoyed it as is.
The natural sweetness comes from the Satsuma potatoes, apples, and cinnamon.

A wrong choice of mug this morning.
Coffee in the “TEA” mug (lol).

Happy Sunday.
Stay warm.