I planned and prepared this for girls brunch.
But then I found out the other girl was not able to make it.
So my husband instead joined me.
I was grateful because I would have been sad if I had to eat all this by myself.

On the middle “main dish” plate you’ll find smoked V-salmon, Shiso V-omelet, and V-bacon.

On the bottom plate were V-cheddar cheese, V-cream cheese, sourdough biscuits, and dark rye bread.
Everything on the middle and the bottom was made homemade.
I was so proud of myself (lol)!

The top “dessert” plate was filled with yogurt and fresh nectarines.
Nectarine is one of my favorite fruits.
These were the first I got for this season, and they were perfectly ripe juicy, and sweet!
This afternoon tea style brunch may look hard to make, but if you plan well and do as much as you can in advance, it’s really not that bad.
And I enjoy this kind of planning and plating anyway.

The smoked V-salmon went so well with the dark rye bread.

Ooops, I almost forgot to show this condiment platter.

The fun part of this afternoon tea style meal is that you can eat a small amount of many different things.
In this case you can mix and match to make your own sandwich anyway you like, which we did.
I showed my husband the “model” sandwiches first, and he did copy me, but after the first round he was definitely going “free-style” (lol).

I was disappointed because my friend could not join me for this brunch, but hey we can always do it another time.
And I was happy because my husband really enjoyed it.
(As always I took so many pictures, and I’m just so appreciative that he always waits patiently (and encourages me to take as many as I want!) until I’m done. ❤)