Yesterday my husband and I went to visit his mother to celebrate the Mother’s Day.
We’ve been seeing her very often lately (after not seeing her for a long time) because her birthday was only a few weeks ago and we had a few occasions to see her for that.
But it was still nice to see her, and I’m glad we got to spend some time together again.
We brought lunch (it’s easier because we are on the plant-based diet), and she is always so appreciative of that.

When we were about to leave, she asked if we like pears.
Her neighbor gave her a box of pears.
But they are already ripe, and she said she didn’t want to let them go bad before she has time to eat them all.
So we came home with four perfectly ripe pears along with other goodies (she always has something for us to take home. :))

As soon as we were home, I got busy in the kitchen.
First, I made vegan Gorgonzola, and then galette dough.

It turned out beautiful!

It was scrumptious as it was.

But it was also good when a little maple syrup was drizzled.