I’m not on the gluten-free diet, but this movement has made many including myself realize that you can make so many things without gluten (flour).
I still stick to flour when the gluten version tastes better, but I’ve also discovered dishes that I actually like better gluten-free!

Okonomiyaki is a great example.
I always thought flour was a must ingredient, but then I started experimenting with other ingredients, and I now like the non-flour version.
I’ve made Okonomiyaki mainly with tofu and chickpea flour, but this time I decided to add some oatmeal.

The addition of oatmeal was such a hit!
It added the unique texture, and I really enjoyed it.
For the batter I used…
Tofu, chickpea flour, oatmeal, water, salt, pepper, nutritional yeast, cumin, turmeric, onion powder.
This time I added cabbage, garlic flower, scallion, mushrooms.
It was covered with Okonomiyaki sauce and served with hummus-like paste, fried onion, and fresh scallion.
This was so delicious!!

This is probably my favorite Okonomiyaki I’ve ever made.
Who knew I find the vegan and gluten-free version better than the real thing!