I was never a big candy bar person even before we changed our diet.
There were a few I would pick up at the cashier (they know exactly where they place them to sell!), but Snickers was NOT my favorite.

But I was excited to try this vegan version of Snickers, mostly because I liked the ingredients.
First of all, this is raw and vegan.
And it doesn’t end there.
No added oil or sugar in these!

But most of all, these are delicious!!
My husband was never a big Snickers eater, but we both liked these so much, better than the real thing.
Loved the combination of chocolate and peanuts.
They are sweet, but they are “feel good” sweet, if you know what I mean.
I also liked that the “caramel” part was creamy and smooth, but not “stick-to-teeth” sticky.

I followed the recipe from https://carolineschoice.com/sweet-vegan/ e-cookbook.
Highly recommended!