It’s not everywhere, but the Asian store I typically get my rice from has a shortage of Asian white rice.
I can get white rice from the other Asian store I go to (for other things), but I have some weird suspicion that their rice may be old (it’s really hard to know how old or fresh rice is because the number they print on the bags does not seem to make any sense to me).
But anyway, because of this and the recent discovery that my husband really likes wild rice, I decided to cook wild rice more often.

Unfortunately the picture doesn’t do it justice.
But this risotto (I did not use the cooking method of risotto, but the term probably describes this dish the best) was delicious!
Intense mushroom flavor, overall creamy texture, the wild rice texture accent, and the tanginess from the homemade vegan feta cheese came together so nicely.
It’s a comfort food but not heavy.

After finishing the “photo shoot,” I realized that the yellow bowl made the risotto look better.
So here is an extra pic.